A Simple Employee Onboarding Guide for New Hires 2 Jan 2018


They say you should never underestimate the power of first impressions. What may seem like a casual, offhand encounter can set the stage for a relationship and override other considerations. In a workplace setting, the onboarding process is essential for giving a new hire a good first impression, and therefore, instrumental in retaining employees.

When done right, employee onboarding helps new recruits feel welcome and introduces them to their specific responsibilities and the company’s culture. For ideas on how to go beyond the standard office tour, introductions, and employee handbook, here are five onboarding best practices you might want to implement.

  1. Be timely with the background check. Performing a thorough employee background check on new hires should be standard policy; however, many qualified candidates can be discouraged by the process, especially if it takes too long. You should aim to complete the background check in 1-3 business days. However, it goes without saying that you should never compromise accuracy and thoroughness for speed.
  2. Don’t just tell, ask. It can be easy to fall into a routine where you just tell things to a new hire — information about their role, company policies, and so forth. This can be a bit overwhelming and isolating. Instead, encourage them to speak about their experience and what they saw in previous roles.
  3. Implement a buddy system. Assigning a new hire a “buddy” is a great way to add a friendly face to the new environment. A buddy doesn’t have to be from their team. They should be someone who can answer questions, take them to lunch, and introduce them to the company culture.
  4. Mentor program. Similar to a buddy system, a mentorship program pairs a new hire with an experienced team member who can closely guide them through responsibilities, processes, and any quirks (every company has them!).
  5. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Even for highly experienced professionals, there’s a lot of uncertainty involved with starting a new job. Good communication is key to alleviating this anxiety. By providing regular feedback, check-ins, and making the expectations around their role and responsibilities as clear as possible, you will be able to provide a solid platform for new employees to succeed and thrive.

Every company will have a different onboarding process depending on their needs. At Trusted Employees, we offer a custom approach to background screening to fit your individual needs with flexible platforms and workflows.